Life is the best teacher. Circumstantial adoption of a
tricky situation, and using it in a smart way…is the key to achieve Money, Power, Success.
methods are there…online money, currency exchange, money exchange etc…question
is, how to use it, to dig the Gold?
Money making is certainly essential, and
good. But same time…it is risky too. You can see many people around you who are
rich; influential…but there are not happy.
It is true that money is not
everything, but, certainly money plays a great part…in sustaining the loss.
And you have come to a conclusion that…Money,
Power and Success will solve all your problems. You have got everything…yet you
are not happy, why?
Fear of losing all this is chasing you continuously…filling
your mind with negative thoughts. You start knowing about currency exchange,
online money. You start designing foolproof strategy to create… money, power
and success...just
- Sit down
- Concentrate on an object
- Stay quite, without any disturbance
- Keep a blank look
- If different thoughts are troubling your mind, do not fight to stop, accept it
- Be extremely careful…Stay Awake
Answer yourself, honestly, do not cheat- What do you want?
What is Success to you? Do you think that if you posses Money and Power, you
will become happy…go for it. Take it seriously, learn every part of making
money; investment etc. Some people say
that investment is risky…it is. Because it is not investment which is risky…it is
you ignorance, lack of financial literacy is risky, dangerous.
In the process of becoming successful…
- Stay in the moment
- Do not imagine and become happy
- Achieve first
- You have to Meditate
- Through Meditation, you can concentrate, on your goal
- This concentration will give you real happiness
- It gives your mind a right direction
- It controls false temptation
Energy, power energy, solar power, electric power, power in
society, any power; any Energy is a product of an extremely powerful MIND. Yes,
you mind is the key, your Mind is the answer of your all questions.
Money, Power
and Success never solves your problems. It is always your mind which solves
your problems. It is your mind which brings happiness to you. You mind has to be very strong.
- Mind is cunning too
- It might take you in a wrong direction
- It might become dangerous
- It might destroy you as well
What to do? The answer lies in
Meditation. Only meditation can give you a healthy mind. Meditation teaches you
how to control your mind…which is very essential for you. Your mind should
never control you. It is always you…You should control your MIND.
Stop Press: It is very important to posses a healthy mind. And to get a a healthy mind, to concentrate on your Meditation...a very unique and effective method I have across, and to know what the Method is...Just Click Here