Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Meditation, Money Making, and You

Indeed; Money is important. Luxury is important. Meditation needs money. Empty stomach one cannot meditate.

Somebody, somewhere once told a nice story- “once a man was having high fever. He went to his Master and asked for knowledge; he pleaded, ‘Please give me knowledge; or tell me the way how to do Meditation’? The Master answered; 'First get rid of your fever; get well first, and then come to me’.

If you are rich; you can afford an umbrella in in the rain. You have the means to get your basic requirements, and then you can start your meditation. Meditation is to get rid of mental burden, to get peace; tranquility, Enlightenment.
If you are extremely poor; where you have nothing to lose, then to you can achieve enlightenment; there are several instances of this in history; there were many extremely poor people who were enlightened.

Extremes; rare; very few, cannot be taken as regular happening. One has to get rid of his/her fever first; to learn Meditation. This is true that money is not everything; this is also true that you cannot buy peace, or enlightenment through money. On the contrary,most, it is rich class who is more mentally than disturb than anybody; they have everything but they do not have peace of mind; losing money
Initially, before meditation, money solves your many problems; like if you are sic you can consult a doctor, or buy medicine; if you are hungry you can buy your food without thinking, you get your basic needs or without making any strenuous effort for it.

Unless your basic requirements are met effortlessly; how you can even think of learning meditation. That is why that master, written above, asked his student to get rid of fever first.

Off course, meditation leads to a place…where you get rid of your all fevers. Money is important. You have to earn. You have to make a plan. You have to make an effort. You have to take the risk; without risk there is no gain.

Meditation teaches…how to make effortless effort; how to take the biggest risk of your life, and that is…you don’t need to take any risk. Meditation teaches you how to stay effortless; without taking any risk…how to achieve the ultimate peace where, after reaching, absolutely nothing is required; where all diseases are cured.

And that teaching of Meditation is very simple, and that is…just float, with the moment, do not swim. Floating is effortless.

There is a great teaching behind this. When you are absolutely not making any effort, when you are simply floating, it means you are totally surrendering yourself to existence. You are accepting everything, whatever is coming your way effortlessly. You are not trying to differentiate it, you are not making any choice…whatsoever is coming to you are accepting; absorbing.

And that is techniques of meditation…total acceptance.


PS: You have to be careful regarding your health. This is a tiring journey; you might get panic attacks; anxiety. And to get rid of panic attacks; anxiety…try Linden method; this method is a sure cure. To know what this method is; and how it works…simply Click Here                      

Friday, July 25, 2014

Meditation, Death, Fear, and You...

'Fear is the key'... 

Unless you are scared; you will not come to know about life. Scary feelings carry many things. Fear creates a desire in you, to believe in you, to know the unknown. Fear provokes you for many things. 

Your dead system, inside your body, starts functioning; out of fear. You are scared to death; and this fear will bring you closer to death. And the day you come closer to death; the reality of death will be unfolded before; for the first time. 

For the first time you will encounter your own death. And when you are standing before own death; face to face; you will realize that; death is nothing to be scared about; it is all about celebration; it is just the beginning of another life. 

You will learn the reason, and the art of celebrating your own death; out of fear. That is why it is said; ‘Fear is the key’. 

Fear is the key for the unknown; which is very much within you but you never realized it; because of your ignorance. 

What is that which you’re not aware of; and what is that which is hidden inside you? That is a reality about you; who you are? That is the secret of awakening. That is the secret of happiness. That is the secret of Life; what life is. That is the state of Nirvana’ Liberation, which is hidden inside you.

And your fear brings you closer to that. But instead of getting scared, an running away; you have to welcome your fear. Talk to your fear. One anecdote- ‘one day midnight, or early morning, I do not remember, I felt someone, or something very heavy is sitting on my chest. It was too strong. I felt extremely uneasy. I do not remember exactly; but it seems it was trying to strangle me. It was too strong; I tried to move, but I could not move. I asked; who are You? If I can help you in any way tell me; I shall do that so that you can get liberation; or looking at my condition if you can help me in moving out from bad days; then you help’. After this brief asking, there was quietness; nothing happened anymore.

If you welcome your fear and try to explore it, when you are amid fear, that what it is, many answers will be unfolded before you. So, never run away from your fear; always welcome it. Accepting, whatever is coming your way is the best way to lead your life. 

The moment you start choosing the way suiting you; the moment you try to mold your life way; trouble starts. 

To reach this state where you are not scared of your fear rather you are ready to welcome it is not easy. It needs awareness. If you are not aware; you cannot reach this state. And to become aware, there is a very simple method. And that method, which leads you the ultimate place of awareness, and that live your life in a  moment; stay with moments

Meditate. Meditation is the way. Do; whatever techniques are coming to you for meditation. Whatever is coming to you is real for you. So, accept whatever is coming to you; and meditate. Meditation teaches about the techniques; how to drop the ego; how to become ego less; how to control over your existence. 

And the day you become aware of you; instead of getting scared, you will start talking to your fear. And the day you start talking to your fear; the reality of your life will be unfolded before you; and instead of fearing your death; you will welcome your Death.


PS: Maintain a good health, is the key to success. Panic attacks; anxiety will keep attacking you, and you have to save yourself. To save you from panic attacks, and anxiety; I have come across a very good method, that method is Linden method. To know what is Linden method, and how it works simply…Click Here         

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Meditation, Relationship, Separation, Marriage, and You…

It was a very smart move of The Almighty to create the mind. 

Freedom is alone; not lonely. Do not cling. Do not hold. Do not feel responsible; for the mishaps. It is not you who are running the Universe. 

Troubles, doubts are natural; allow it to come…do not put hindrance. Do never try to know how the Universe moves? You have simply to act...The Act is already set for you. If separation is inevitable; welcome it; yes, it might leave behind bad taste; swallow it, accept it. 

You are not responsible for your deeds. You are merely playing your part. It’s very strange to maintain a relationship for the whole life; it is absurd. You are not sure about the next moment what is going to happen; and you expect a relationship for the whole life. 

The word Marriage itself sounds strange. You take an oath to stay together, in harmony for the whole life; indeed, it is absurd. If it works it is fine, else, it is disturbing. You may try to adjust; and for the rest of your life go on adjusting forever; you have to take a decision; before your marriage.

The first few months are OK; but after a few years, or months, trouble starts. Now children are there; you do have a responsibility towards them. You have to, and you should look-after them. Do not trouble your children; they are delicate. So, what to do?

This is what you have to think before marriage. If you have decided to go for a marriage, and you take The Oath; come what may you have to maintain it. The day you marry; your life either starts; or that very moment your life finishes for good. Here you have to decide; you cannot claim it was in your destiny. Because, while creating you, The Almighty has given you a power to think; understand, and then decide.

It was your decision to marry; do not blame God. Human life is full of contradiction; and that’s the beauty. Remove contradiction from your life; and your life becomes becomes dull. So, what to do if you are married? Follow the mundane rule; and maintain your marriage till the end...there is no other alternative is left for you. 

Your mind is very cunning. It was a very smart move of The Almighty to create the mind. Whatever situation you are in; gradually you adjust; your mind adjusts. Your mind creates favorable situations for you. And that is why even amid adversity; people do laugh. 

So, it is all your mind game; apparently yes, but deep within is your life; and you have full right to live it with joy. Now the question is…How to live with joy? Problem with problems is; one problem finishes, another problem arises; what to do? And this mark of interrogation keeps following you. Sometimes life becomes a problem...How to live? 

Again, there is a question mark? Enlightenment; Celibacy; Liberation, can be attained in a family life too. It depends how you are looking at your life? You have to meditate; to understand life. You have to judge yourself; that under any circumstances, come what may; you will keep your marriage life healthy…then you may go for it. If you are not convinced; if you cannot tackle hardship…then you may not marry.

Remember freedom is alone; not lonely. You are simply a part of a big game; you are simply acting your part; the day this realization comes to you, whether you are married, or unmarried; that very moment you are liberated. 


PS: Maintaining a good health is always good. Whatever path is chosen for you; you have to stay healthy. Panic attacks; anxiety keeps attacking you. To save yourself from panic attacks, anxiety, there is very effective method; known as Linden method. To know what Linden method is just…Click Here       

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Meditation, Luck, Astrologer, and You...

When bad luck chases you everywhere; you run for an astrologer…you think an astrologer can bring good luck to you; by using some devices. Astrology is since. There are many astrologers; certainly they are not scientist. 

Predicting the next moment, what is going happen is difficult; predicating the entire future is strange. 

But you have to get rid of your miseries; hence you have to do something. Astrologer is the nearest person who can come for your rescue; it appears to you. And the more miseries start. 

Whether Luck is there or not, is yet a debate. Some people believe in luck; some do not. And the debate goes on. You have tried all methods to get rid of your miseries; sometimes you believe in luck, if you are successful, it is your talent, and if you are a failure, it is your bad luck. 

There is famous saying that…’nothing succeeds like successes’. And that sumps up everything. 

If you are successful you are good; talented, and if you are a failure; either you are dull, or you are a sinner of your past life. 

A failure has to go all kind of embarrassment; insults. A failure is not a human being; he has to stay humiliated, depressed all through his life; this is the price he/she has to pay.

And waiting for Mother Fortune to smile upon him; he starts searching a good astrologer. Now, whether the Astrologer is good or not; he is not aware of; simply he has come with a belief, and hope, that this Astrologer will change his life…and nothing happens. 

His luck is not changed. The successful people is intelligent, smart, he does not believe in luck, he believes in himself / herself, but a slight touch of little unfair wind his entire perceptions of self believe changes. 

So it depends If you are successful you are god, admired, respected, and if you are a failure you are condemned. That is why this saying…’nothing succeeds like success’. 

Problem is with you; your happiness is uncertain; somewhere in future. You are waiting…the day you become successful you will be happy. And your preparation starts; again, an Astrologer is needed. 

Astrologer cannot predict, cannot change his/her own future…and your final hope is lying with him/her. This is ridiculous. 

Now the question how to come out of your misery; how to bring good luck? Your answer lies in Meditation. You have to realize you, and only through meditation self-realization comes. 

Every human being possesses an unique power within him/her. The day you understand that whatever has to come to you is inevitable; you cannot avoid; you will realize that if you cannot avoid; it is always wise to accept whatever is coming your ways. Simply accept, do nothing. 

Yes unfavorable circumstances do pains. There is a very simple method to enjoy this pain…when in extreme pain, for God’s sake do not do anything to get rid of it,  or do not run to any Astrologer for a remedy; and do not curse your luck…when after losing all hopes you are in extreme pain; become the pain. 

Do not allow your pain to go away; hold it tightly…and feel the bliss; in experience… 


PS: You have to maintain your health; panic attacks, anxiety might trouble you, and to get rid of panic attacks, and anxiety try a very effective method, and that method is Linden method; to experience and know what Linden method is , simply…Click Here                                                                  

Monday, July 21, 2014

Meditation, Encouragement, Happiness, and You…

You are encouraged, for your nice performance ...and happiness rolled in; you are happy.

Indeed, encouragement is important; unless you are encouraged? This question mark is natural. If you are giving a speech; audience is needed…and what speech you are delivering; needs response. And if the response is negative, you are depressed. Sometimes, when you crack a good joke and other person doesn’t understand it; you are at a loss. 

Your happiness is always depended on behalf of something. This ‘on behalf’ is important. If there is no listener, if there are no disciple; then what is the use of God? I do not know who created The Universe; if God Created the Universe, he created humans too; otherwise what was the use of creating this universe. 

God’s existence depends, on behalf of this universe; hence this word… ‘On behalf’, is important.

You cannot get away; you cannot do anything without this. You keep getting satisfaction, thinking…even God needed the magic word; ‘on behalf’.  Now happy, you move forward, without wasting time in staying at the same place, considering it a meditative wise move, with a pride on your face…you move forward, to conquer the universe. 

Now you need more applause; more performance; more success.  And this goes on. And when the end knocks at your door; you are empty.   

All through your life you were busy planning your happiness; real happiness you never met. To stay, full of life; to depart, full of life; to leave behind a memory full of life…drop this word ‘On behalf’. Only through Meditation you can reach this state where you can get rid of this so called magic word, ‘on behalf’. Only through meditation you can reach a place; where after reaching…your entire structure will fall

Your structure has to fall; your very existence has to come to pieces…and in that state of nothingness; something will emerge.

And what emerges, out of that nothingness; zero state of your existence… is your real self, real you; real I. 

And the day realization of the word ‘I’ happens to you; the meaning of the word ‘I’ is unfolded before you…you are awakened; and from this state of awakening…your life starts. 

Now the real life is before you; now you do not need ‘on behalf’. Now you do not need anything. Everything is happening in the same way; the way it used to happen before;  same way your happiness in depended  on behalf of your success; applause…but here something is changed. 

Here, now, after are wading through the lake; without getting wet. Now you know the secret, and the reason, why the sixth day was created. 

And when this knowing comes to you…you will realize that; you are in a bliss state…


PS: And during your journey, in search of happiness, panic attacks, anxiety will attack you, and to save yourself from these attacks, use Linden method. And to know, what Linden method is; how does it works…simply, Click Here   

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Meditation, Money making, and You...

Indeed…Money is important. Luxury is important.

Meditation needs money. Empty stomach one cannot meditate. Somebody, somewhere once told a nice story- “once a man was having high fever. He went to his Master and asked for knowledge; he pleaded, ‘Please give me knowledge; or tell me the way how to do Meditation’?  The Master answered…‘First get rid of your fever; get well first, and then come to me’."

So you have to get rid of your fever of poverty first, and then learn Meditation. A poor man cannot meditate. A beggar cannot meditate. It may sound absurd; or contradictory but basically…Meditation is for rich people. 

If you are rich; you cam afford an umbrella in rain. 

You have means to get your basic requirements, and then you can start your meditation. Meditation is to get rid of mental burden, to get peace; tranquility…Enlightenment. 

If you are extremely poor, where you have nothing to lose, then too you can achieve enlightenment; there are several instances for this in history; there were many extremely poor people who were enlighten.

Extremes; rare; very few, cannot be taken as regular happening. One has to get rid of his/her fever first; to learn Meditation. This is true that money is not everything; this is also true that you cannot buy peace, or enlightenment through money. 

On the contrary, mostly, it is rich class who are more mentally disturb; they have everything but they do not have peace of mind; losing money worries them, family problems, sickness, they have many mental problems, and they want to get rid of this; and they start searching ways of meditation. 

Initially, before meditation money solves your many problems; like if you are sic you can consult a doctor, or buy medicine; if you are hungry you can buy your food without thinking, you get your basic needs, without making any strenuous effort for it. 

Unless your basic requirements are met effortlessly; how you can even think of learning meditation?

That is why that master, written above, asked his student to get rid of fever first. Off course, meditation leads to a place…where you get rid of your all fevers. 

Money is important. You have to earn. You have to make a plan. You have to make an effort. You have to take the risk; without risk there is no gain.

Meditation teaches you…how to make effortless effort; how to take the biggest risk of your life, and that is…do not take any risk; you don’t need to take any risk.

Meditation teaches you how to stay effortless; without taking any risk…how to achieve the ultimate peace where, after reaching, absolutely nothing is required; where all diseases are cured.

Teaching of Meditation is very simple, and that is…just float, with the moment, do not swim.

Floating is effort less. There is great teaching behind this. When you are absolutely not making any effort, when you are simply floating, it means you are totally surrendering yourself to existence. 

You are accepting everything, whatever is coming your way effortlessly. You are not trying to differentiate it, you are not making any choice…whatsoever is coming to you are accepting; absorbing. 

And that is...Techniques of Meditation; total acceptance. 


PS: You have to be careful regarding your health. This is a tiring journey; you might get panic attacks; anxiety. And to get rid of panic attacks; anxiety…try Linden method; this method is a sure cure. To know what this method is; and how it works…simply Click Here                      

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Meditatin, Happiness, Techniques, and You...

Meditation is not doing, happiness is not doing...

Idiosyncrasy differs, hence whatever is coming to you in a natural way…accept that; do not try to modify. What is natural; that is your technique, nature is natural.

You have been searching techniques, for everything, since beginning.  What comes to you in a natural way do not appeal you; because it is simple. It is so simple, so natural, that you refuse to accept its authenticity. 

Your mind is complicated; it confuses everything. And you have been leading confused life all the time. That is the reason why you hardly see a natural, simple person around you. It is difficult to find a Buddha, Jesus, a Krishna any more. 

Yes they are few enlighten souls around you; but you have refused to recognize their existence, whatever they are saying, is of no use to you. You are wearing glasses of ignorance. And this is the reason, why you are in search of techniques all the time. 

You need something to modify your life; you need some techniques, so that you can become happy in your life. You are busy finding some method; some techniques. Life is smiling, you are not bothered, you do not know. You have no time to stare at your life, which is very much with you…you are busy searching techniques, some reason, some method; for your satisfaction. 

And satisfaction keeps eluding you all the time. Whether you are rich, or you are poor; it is difficult to find a satisfied; happy man. Rich is always scared of losing his richness; poor is simply living on hope that, one fine morning his/her efforts will yield results, and he/she will be happy.

This is madness. Techniques are important to you; not Meditation. Meditation has no techniques; meditation simply means…stay here; stay alert, awaken. Accept everything; whatever is coming to you, accept unconditional. Life is an effortless journey.

And you are busy making effort; you are busy molding your life, as per your convenience…and at this point your misery begins. 

There are many Meditation Techniques; here you can choose as per your convenience the most suitable technique for you. Now contradiction starts, I have written above that there are no techniques for meditation, and now I am writing…choose your techniques as per your convenience. 

The day meditation happens to you, you will realize there is no technique for meditation; and then Meditation is not needed to you. 

Though, it is not a rocket science, but it is not easy also to reach the state, where you become meditation; where you realize that meditation is always been existing in-side you…only because of your ignorance, you could not realize this. 

Meditation is not doing, happiness is not doing, doing is a force...and meditation, happiness...simply happens, without using any technique; without using any force.  

Meditation happens; happiness happens, happening is happening to you, and happening simply happens here and now; without any criterion, without any force…only awareness is needed, to realize this. 

And to realize this; you have to wake up…do not sleep.  The day you wake up; you will realize that for meditation, or for happiness…there are no techniques. Stay here, alert, awaken...and enjoy this mysterious beautiful life; in bliss.


PS: Stay healthy. Keep yourself away from panic attacks, and anxiety. There is a very effective method to keep panic attacks; anxiety away, and that method is Linden method. And to try, to know, what Leiden method is…Click Here