Monday, September 15, 2014

Meditation- Just pick-up; what you want from life, it is yours...

And if needed fight with The God...

Meditation, Faith, Believe, Helplessness; Refuse…just pick-up what you want from life…

You have to understand first; what do you want from life? And just keep moving under any circumstances, keeping the grace intact; keeping the enthusiasm intact, and do not wait for the God or anybody; just pick-up your desired result it is yours.

Unless you believe; unless you have faith in you, or in God; nothing will happen. You have to have faith, believe either in you, or in God; or in both; then you will get your desired results; this 'then' in between you and the result is a problem. Faith and believe is important, you will have to have it; and nothing is in your have; you have to make an effort and the result is not in your hand; this is irony; this is strange. But this is the trend.

You are taught in this way you have to lead your life. Success; happiness depends on your faith and believe.  You are helpless; the result is not in your hand; you have to wait. After giving your best effort with full faith and believe; the result is not in your hand, you have to wait; what a shameless funny situation! And you keep waiting; the result will bring happiness. 

You are powerful; fight for your right, come what may fight for your right; if needed fight with The God. Do not give in; accept what is against your nature; you should live your life as per your nature; there is no harm. How you will meditate if you are not happy? How you will learn techniques of meditation, if you are not satisfied? And how your meditation will come to you if you are shaken badly; with absolute failure. 

Every hope; every desire is crushed; in such a situation, how you will meditate? How you will talk to God? Let the God crush you; you won’t say if! You succumb to injury under any circumstance Your bearing capacity decides your life. Your sustaining capacity decides your future.

You never say die attitude keeps you moving. Under any circumstance do not stop; keep moving. Just keep moving under any circumstances, keeping the grace intact; keeping the enthusiasm intact, and do not wait for the God or anybody for your desired result, for your happiness; just pick-up your desired result it is yours. 

God has no right to snatch it from you; just pick it up; it is yours. Forget believe; forget faith; forget God convince yourself; have faith in you; with full determination keeps moving; and if needed; forget meditation. 

Your meditation, your prayer; your duty is to keep moving. It is not easy; people break; people commit suicide. Complete failure is not easy to digest. And the person who has digested complete failure; and the Man who has digested adversity looking into its eye is the real Hero; the real winner. 

You have to understand first; what do you want from life? You must know what is wining; and what is defeat. Never accept defeat; come what may never accept defeat. And this very never say die attitude of yours makes you victorious. 

Winning matters; under any circumstance you must win. God; circumstance; your own mind keeps testing you; keeps luring you; keeps deceiving you; you must understand this and do never fall into the trap; you must get what you want; what you have struggled for so bitterly. 

Do not get trapped; do not allow your thirst to get quenched with a few drops of hallucination water ; if only nectar will quench your thirst, then get satisfied only when you get Nectar to quench your thirst. 

If you are serious; mark my words; God will come to you; and the day God comes to you, you will realize that you are God; and when this awakening come to you; Go and just pick-up your desired result; all the best. 
