You have to drop all your knowledge; you have to drop your
religion; you have to drop the knowledge which you have gathered from your
religious book. When absolute nothing is there; when you reach the stage of
point Zero in that situation; in that state; in that condition whatever appears
inside you that is God; that is knowledge; that is sacred; pure virgin.
is derived from anywhere; it has come to you from within. It has no religion;
it has no cost, it has no race; it is colorless. It has no color; water has no color;
and it quench thirst; ant it saves lives; imagine life without water.
your life has no color; it is simply life; full of life. Whatever is full; has
no color. Color is the only Rainbow; it has seven colors. If you look within you
will find that human life has one color; and that oneness has no separation.
God has created beautiful flowers; of different colors; each and every color
has its importance. And that importance makes them one; and that oneness is
beauty; they all are beautiful. The Universe is full of colors; Universe has
many things within, of different colors; but the universe is one. There is no white
universe; there is no black universe; there is no brown universe; the universe is
one; made of different colors.
God created you as human beings; and you differentiated
it with colors; with race. Look at the colorful birds; they stay together in harmony. Your
life will be shattered, the moment you try to bring these differences; then you
will be living in your own world; limited area. You will be living in a boundary;
you will be living a dead life.
Look at the sky it has no boundary; it has
accumulated all colors; and that accumulation of different race made it colorless; when all
colors become one; then there is no color; that is why Life has no color. There
is only one race; and that is human; you are not different.
If you observe; you
will find that human sentiment is same everywhere. The human body functions in the same way. A white
man/Women body functions in the same way; a Black Man/Women body functions in
the same way; A brown Man/Women body functions in the same way; all breathe in
the same way; all take birth in the same way; all will die in the same way;
there is no difference; only the color; race differs, but the function is the same.
So, somewhere you are the same; you are sane. This division of race is false. Liking; disliking liking is in your
mind; can you say ‘you do not like the way they breath’, no, you cannot say; you
also breath in the same way. When this realization of oneness comes to you; you
will realize that your disliking was false.
Racial abuse is a sin; you are
abusing God; you are abusing The Universe; you are abusing existence; you are
abusing yourself. We all are same; taken birth at different places. Our way of
living life; our language differs; but our entire construction is same; nose in same place, eyes are at the same place, lips at the same place; our sentiment is
same; everything is same.
We have created differences; our mind has created differences. Air is same; Sun is same; Moon is same; the rising and setting time is different,
different places; but they are same everywhere. You have to accept the fact
that we all are same; else you will be divided within. Your own personality
will be in two parts; how will you live unless you become one.
And two become
one. You do not have to do anything; we are already one; God has created one;
you simply have to realize this. And this realization comes through Meditation.
Oneness is like a circle, there is no beginning, there is no end; it is eternal.
Remember racial abuse is a sin; when you are making a racial abuse; you are
abusing existence; you are abusing God; God used different colors; different races to make this
Universe beautiful; full of life. The more you try to divide it, the more lonely you will become; do not
stay aloof, you will be left behind, accept this wholeness.
And the day this
realization comes to you that you are one; that day, that very minute you will
become absolute.
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