Saturday, July 30, 2011

Loneliness, Online Dating and Meditation

Journey towards celibacy is a lonely process.

You are not afraid, you are not scared. A very deep meditation can emerge, inside you, when you are alone. Absolutely nothing is there... let this meditation emerge... stay there, become the meditation.

You are complete when you are alone. Loneliness is bliss. This is the only moment when you are complete.

  • Your entire being comes to a standstill situation. 
  • Nothing is left aside. 
  • Positive points, negative points... you have absorbed both.
When claustrophobia takes over, when loneliness becomes oppressive... go for a dating. Now dating how, or how to online dating? To answer, dating how is... staying true. Do not cheat.
  • Stay the way you are.
  •  A very important thing in how to online dating is... do not get trapped, cheated- - stay alert.Keep your options open... stay like an open book. 
  • Keep your intentions pure. 
Someone is coming to you. Someone is going to take you out from your claustrophobic state. Someone is going to inject life into you? How to online dating... deal carefully.

Find out the authenticity. If the purpose is not true... it might become fatal for you. It might destroy you.

  • Stay alert, use your inelegance.
  • Do not cheat. 
  • Do not get cheated.
  • Keep your intentions pure. Keep it noble. 
  • Your intentions should look honorable.
  • Do not make it vulgar.

Dating how?

  • Make a simple sweet approach. 
  • Make your effort dignified.
  • Respect your partner's feelings.
And you can do this, in an extreme healthy way... only through meditation. And to meditate... you have to understand... What is meditation?

You should have a deep longing for it. Meditation teaches you... how to grief. How to deal with depression? What is loneliness? Yes you have to understand first... what is loneliness? Depression is ugly. When transformed into meditation... it becomes the source of a new beginning.

What is loneliness? Once into meditation... loneliness becomes bliss. Depression how to deal with? When depression comes... stay depressed. Do not go anywhere... feel the depth of depression. It will be transformed into your strength. And this is the answer... how to meditate?

How to online dating... look into the method with an open eye. Keep your intentions clean... approach with a clean heart. Show some respect. Meditation is a great answer, rather the only answer to... how to be happy in life?

Life is full of happiness. Even loneliness can become bliss... if you are into meditation. There is not much difference between loneliness and aloofness. Being alone, feeling lonely is OK... aloofness is dangerous. Never allow aloofness to come.

Aloofness takes your interest away from you. You are no more interested in anything. And if you are not interested, if you are not excited then... how you will meet, celibacy? How will you feel the depth of the ocean... which is very much there inside you?

Looking at the universe, if you do not feel excitement... you are not awaken. You are sleeping. Excitement is the key... curiosity is must. Aloofness is dangerous.

Something is wrong. Something has shattered you severely. Nothing is happening in your life. You have lost everything. You have lost interest in everything. This state is very dangerous... this is poison.

This can kill you. This can shatter you. You have to live... to fight. You have to fight... to get victory over such a dangerous situation.

How to fight... no strength left. Only one remedy is there, and that is... drink the poison, absorb the poison in you... digest the poison.And if you did this... this poison will turn into nectar.

Remain positive in life. And that can be achieved... when you are lonely, alone. One has to walk his journey all alone.

Universe is full of hard times, good times. Whatever you are destined for... it will come to you. You have to do your duty. And the beauty lies in... How you are responding.

Acceptance of adversity is bravery. When you absorb everything, negative-positive everything then it merges in you... it vanishes without living any trace.

And the day this happens to you, you will feel that... towards enlightenment, on the path of celibacy just now you have taken forward... The First Step.


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Meditation in Love and Death- With Lust, Jealousy, Anger and Desire

Love and death is eternal... beyond Time....

Desire is the source... unless longing is there. There is a thin line difference between want and lust, sometimes in lust you might ask- - is it love?

When in love, become love... no purpose- - just love.

Lust is dangerous. When used correctly... want can become the bridge between Love and Death... both is eternal. There is no beginning no end.

Love in death is blissful. It is pure, it is healthy. It may seem that... love is the beginning and death is the end. To some extent it might be true. But if you penetrate little more, with a deep look within, you will find that... both are eternal... it is one. There is no difference. And want is the bridge.

Love is within you. You can never fell in love... you can only rise in love. The day you discover it, you will find your life is full of love. Everything will seem loving to you. Then lust, want, anger, greed jealousy will become pure, loving.

You have to transform these negative energies into positive energies. Life is full of negative and positive energies... you have to transform it. And this transformation is possible... if you are awakening, if you are alert.

And this awareness comes after a deep meditation.

You must know- - what is meditation. But you are sleeping. You are busy calculating your life. You are busy in achieving your target. You are busy in securing you future. You are busy in earning money... how you can secure your bank balance. And how you can love... you have not secured enough money yet.

And here lies the problem. Now love becomes lust, want becomes ugly, greed becomes negative, and anger becomes dangerous. And you start believing others advices... 'Look because of these negative, destructive nature in you, you've ruined your life.'

And now your pilgrim starts you star looking up-wards, for some divine help. You star believing in further advices to curd, suppress abandon these negative thoughts. And you start curbing it, avoiding it suppressing it.
After sometimes you feel relaxed. But again it comes back to you... and again the pilgrim journey starts, again curbing, suppressing starts. And you start believing... because of some sin in your previous birth... your are suffering now.

There is a basic difference between suppressing and merging. When anger comes... become angry. When feeling jealousy... become jealous. You are born with positive and negative energies. You can never get positive vibration... till you are provoked. And this provocation comes through... anger, lust, want and jealousy.

You have to merge, accept these negative energies, which are hidden within- - use it, transform it. Do never try to get rid of it... Accept it. But merge cautiously. While merging... stay alert. Anger, jealousy, lust, desire etc, these are dangerous, very fatal... they can ruin your life.

While accepting, while merging... stay alert. Do not allow it to become dangerous for you. Do not allow it... to rule you. Become your own master... become the ruler. Accept these negative energies.

You have to transform it; you have to use it, you have to purify it. These negative energies will turn into positive energies. While dealing with anger always remember that... to control anger... you have to merge in it, you have to transform it. This you may call a part of anger management.

Addiction to love is good... if you are alert, if you are merely merging. You will not be affected anymore... you will be wading through the lake without getting wet.

This stage is not easy to make. Anything, which is destructive, is very powerful... unless you become more powerful. And you can achieve this through Meditation. And what is meditation- become love... when you are in love. Is it love? This question will never come back to you the day- - you become love.

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Set Goals...How To Take Sucess and Failure in Life

Applause never keeps me high, criticism never pull me down... I know where I am....

Success and failure happens... and happening has no criteria. Whatever has to happen, will happen. You cannot change; you cannot understand the move of the Universe.

There are many examples, reasons for success and failure. Failure is always caused by certain reasons like... lack of focus, wrong decision wrong approach and many. And like that success, too, comes through various methods like, hard works, right decision, right approach and many.

How universe moves is a mystery... never try to unfold it.

Success gives everything...happiness, respect, to become successful. Failure takes away everything...happiness, respect everything. Failure also provokes others to advice you, show you the reasons why you failed. And once you start peeling a hair...there is no end.

Whether you are successful or you are a failure... you get the answer after getting the result. And result is not in your hand. You always have to wait for it. Result is unknown...result is always a mystery. And you want to posses it...through various reasons, through various methods.

Become happy when you are successful or become sad when you are unsuccessful...this is natural, there is nothing to worry about.

How to get rid of this pain when you are unsuccessful...become the pain. Now you have to find the reason, the source...the reason behind success and failure. You must know...what is right and what is wrong. And you journey starts in knowing the unknown.

You can only conceive an idea, as per you intelligence, as per your knowledge. You might feel that you have the might appears to you that you have discovered the truth. Your discovery is bond to differ. 'Cause every person has different idiosyncrasies. Everybody is a philosopher in their own way. Everybody has a mind to think, to analyze. And precisely, here lies the problem...the mind. You start trying to unfold the great mystery. You start trying to know the unknown. And you start missing the point.

You are busy reading books; applying various are busy finding the reasons of success and Failure. And you come to decision...this is the hard, right decision, right time, give total submission and many.

Everyone gives his/her best effort. Yes, you should always go on hitting the target; give your best. And then wait for the result. One fine morning you will become happy.

What will happen if you are scared, stressed. Your happiness is short are worried about you future. The more you try to control your destiny...the more restless you become.

Meditation makes you strong from inside. When you are into meditation you are confident...come what may nothing can shatter you. It is important how you are planning your game. Concentrate on your game and...just play.

The thing which is not in your go on chasing that-and you keep missing the game. Stay not run, give your best effort...just play. Applause never keeps me high criticism never pull me down...I know where I am- it happened to me, it can happen to you.

Everything is inside have to just look at yourself- - a very deep, penetrating look. Sometimes it does happen that you do not get desired results.

Set goals. The moment this thought comes to you...your mind starts searching the goal for you. You fix a goal for you...and now you are there in the future. How to set goals, how do you set goals...and now the goal setting process starts.

How you will be happy without achieving your goal? When you do not make it, you are sad. And when you make your goal, you become restless to keep it for ever?

How to set goals becomes a major job in your life. Goals to make in life become important to you.
First you must understand... what is a Goal?

Goal is happiness...and happiness can never be achieved... What to do? You can feel cannot make it. Achievement is always in future...Happiness is always here, within you. It is always happening here. Here and Now...but you are in the future, achieving goals. Each and every breath of yours is pure, healthy. Have you ever paid attention do you breathe?

Breathe is continuously happening here. And you are in the future...thinking to become something, thinking to become like somebody, then you will be happy- it is absurd.

Yes, you must set goals. Your goal is within you...a goal to make is happiness and happiness is here, within you. What is goal- - understanding life is the only goal.

And this is goal setting process. To realize self is the biggest goal, you must know...who you are? What is your duty...understand first. If not getting must set a target. Behave the way you wish. Apply whatever devices come to your mind. And during the journey...just play, do not start thinking about the result.

Mystery of the universe is unknown...enjoy the beauty of the mystery. A great wind is blowing, a great shake is happening, inside you, and you are busy searching the reason or causes of Success and failure.

Stay cool, confident mix little aggression...but little, aggression can become fatal too, it should be under your control. Whatever is coming to you Success or Failure- - accept both, with a grace.

Enjoy your life. What is going to happen next are not aware of. How will you set goals? How you will plan your next move?

Desire to make something; being ambitious and seeing healthy- you must. If you are not sensitive, if you are not a cannot understand life.

Set goals; how do you set goals; goal setting process...understand first, make it full of life...How?
Understand, know...what is life? You do not have to anywhere to get the answer...look within. Unless you understand will you understand life?

Your answer is very much you. And you are searching it in your future...through various methods.

You must know the answer. Yes. goal is happiness.

The day you realize this, you will feel...that your entire being is meditated. And you will get the are above success and failure- You have met your goal....


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Fate, Destiny, You and Techniques of Meditation

Ladies and Gentleman - you can win any race in life, if you are little conscious... from the beginning.

Ultimately it is going to happen... whatever you are destined for.

Methods you apply, tricks you avoid imagined or expected calamity. Expectation is a might happen, it might not happen. You are curious to know. You wait for the result. Sometimes you do become impatient...and that is natural.

How to store happiness, how to stay successful forever in advance...becomes you target. And it seems natural to you. Mostly people around you believe in the same way. So it never appears strange to you.

Have you ever visited a lunatic asylum? Everything appears natural to them. Because all are behaving, believing in the same way...there is no difference. You are an intruder there. You are mad in their eyes. Their visions are blocked.

This is what happening to you...a mad rush after money. The more you try to posses keeps sleeping from hand. The day this madness vanishes from your will find peace. You will become more confident in life.

Stop chasing the unknown. Money is extremely important. To win a lottery have to go and buy a lottery ticket. Make an have to earn yours and your family's living. You have to give them good education, a basic luxury.

Poverty is not healthy. Helplessness is the worst curse. Whatever you earning should control the money. Monet should not control you.

It is can never come out from the mad rush of accumulating more and more money. A wealthy person eats the same food, what you are eating. While eating also he/she is worried, always thinking that...he/she should not lose the money. Why, because they are always being ruled by money.
Control the money and enjoy...the food of life.

If you mind is in your control, if you are ruling your can control the money, money will not rule you. First...assess yourself. How much capable you things have moved in your life. Are you easy go lucky type or you have to struggle in your life?

How your life has moved with you get desired result or you do not get result at all. You are the best are the best teacher. You cannot lie to yourself. So judge yourself... and then plan your journey so, plan your per your capacity to earn money.

Strictly avoid liability...make assets. What is giving you return, what is giving you your assets, invest carefully. Read the market, understand the subject. What is giving you the only answer, for you fear of security.

Anything if you wish to make, you become restless...this is a good sign. But if your restlessness is with fear, will destroy you. Restlessness; excitement these are extremely positive vibrations...if these are the outcome of a meditative mind.

Ladies and gentleman, you can win any race in your life...if you are little conscious from the beginning. If you have missed a beat, do not worry. Begin here...Here and Now. The day you realize yourself; the day you start controlling your mind...wherever you are, it is never late. It is always better to catch early. Wherever you are awakening... morning is there.

Your fear of security...your love for earning money, is natural. It is not have to make it healthy. You must understand the need first. Judge yourself, judge your capacity. Then plan your life so.

Taking risk is wise. Taking risk, lured by something, without judging your risky, it may destroy you. So judge yourself first, weigh your plus and minus points. Get convinced first. Get rid of disturbances.

There is a thin line difference between disturbance and restlessness. Being restless is healthy...if mind is in your control, else it becomes disturbance. A disturb mind, will keep troubling you. Restlessness is excitement...unless you are excited. Unless meditation attracts you, you are sleeping.

You have to awake...judge yourself first. If you cheat yourself in judging, then you will remain cheated although your life. Destiny will cheat you. And you will blame your fate; you stars. You luck is in your hand.

Judge yourself...listen to yourself, what you are saying. How to listen to yourself? Understand...the techniques of meditation. Read books on meditation, consult masters, read whatever comes to your mind to know about the techniques of meditation.

Read this article. Understand this article, agree with not agree with it, do not read it. Do whatever comes to your mind. not meditate. Take a bath; sit down...concentrate on a particular object. Do not sit down... do not whatever is coming to your mind.

And during the process, during the journey...stay alert, anytime anything can happen. If still not getting the beginning, if still confusion is not do anything.

Become a mute spectator. Listen to your heart...heart is pure. God resides there. Listen what God is saying...understand what God is indicating. Suddenly you will feel...a very deep meditation is emerging inside you.

And the moment this happen; the moment you feel this great vibration...stay there. And this is techniques of meditation.


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